Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ever changing first year stages

One thing you hear a lot when you have a baby is, "as soon as you get used to one phase they start a new one". This couldn't be more true - but to me it seems like no one actually gets into what these "phases" are until you are elbow deep in an exploded diaper. I thought I'd share with you some of my "oh god, they do -- WHAT NOW?" moments.

Let's start from the beginning:

The blow-out (not related to your hair): When babies are very little, until the time they start eating solids or so they have "diaper blow outs". What does they mean? This means your little friend is going to empty their entire contents from their not so cute end most likely on you when you are dressed and ready to go out in your nicest dry clean only dress.

What this means to you. Always have at least 2 extra outfits in your diaper bag, have an emergency kit in the car with extra clothes for all, and carry plastic bags to conceal the stink. Also, accept that it's going to happen at the most inopportune time possible.

The other end: babies spit up - a lot. More than I ever could imagine.

What this means to you: Wear white when you are going out. At the very least it will conceal the nasty streaks of baby spit up dripping down your back. Yes, this has happened to me. Buy plenty of burp cloths and keep them everywhere - your car, on chairs where you feed the baby, etc. To save money cloth diapers work really well. 

Teething: I don't know what I thought about teething but I had no idea that it basically starts when they are 4 months or so and guess what? It lasts for well until they are 2 years or so. If you are lucky like me and have a sensitive babe you will earn each and every tooth through sleepless nights, a lot of crying, and fussing. Granted its not constant but it comes in waves. Just when you think all is good and calm (aka make dinner plans out) wham! A new tooth and a child that refuses to sleep.

What you can do: teething tablets are great - but hylands has been recalled so check before you buy, teething rings (put in fridge not freezer) motrin after 6 months, people swear by frozen wash cloths with water or apple juice. My little lady loves the handle or a rubber whisk, hey whatever works. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My favorite Nursing Bras

Once I was ready to graduate from the super comfortable Nusing Tanks from Target into something more supportive, I had a really hard time finding something. I spent a lot of money testing out bras and really wasn't happy with their support, style, the way they would look after a wash, etc. So, I conducted my own research and here are my favorites: 

Target's Gillian & O'Malley Nursing Tank. These are great to layer with. I also purchase a bunch of open front sweaters/sweatshirts so it was easier to nurse. I don't recommend putting these in the dryer and I found that because of the engorgement a size up that you usually wear is much more comfortable. 

A Pea in the Pod: Medium Support Soft Cup No Wire Nursing BraAfter I decided to rejoin society it became pretty clear that I would need to start wearing a bra that was actually supportive. I looked high and low but found it challenging to find something that was comfortable, didn't feel like a nursing bra and supportive for my new size D friends. The good news is, I found them all at the Motherhood Maternity/Pea in the Pod chain. 

Motherhood Maternity: Full Support Soft Cup No Wire Nursing BraThis bra is a great everyday bra. Super comfortable and supportive. Click here. 

I love this bra, because since most days I am in athletic/lounge wear and I love a very supportive bra. 

A Pea in the Pod: Full Support Molded Cup Underwire Nursing BraLastly, for my big nights house, for the love - I needed something with an underwire! I've been really happy with this bra. They don't recommend wearing bras with underwire while nursing since they will increase the chances of a clogged duct. Click here

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Classes in Stamford Area (under one year)

We are very lucky to have so many free great mommy and me classes in the Stamford area. Here are some classes coming up this fall! Hope to see some of you there! Most of the classes below are free - and a few there is a membership fee.

Fall Schedules:

Little Gym:
10:15 Thursdays (Starting Sept 4th)

Great Play:
12:30 Wednesdays (Starting August 30th)

Infant Massage with Ricki

Sundays, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Oct. 17 – Nov. 14
M $90 / NM $100 (5 sessions)
Story Time

Wednesdays, 10:40 - 11:10 a.m.
Sept. 15 – Dec. 22

Bagels and Babies

Thursdays, Noon - 12:45 p.m.
Sept. 16 – Dec. 23 (No class Sept. 23,
Sept. 30, Nov. 11, Nov. 25)

There are many more classes - click the link below:

Le Leche League:
Location: St. Paul's Lutheran Church

286 Delavan Avenue, Greenwich
Meeting Time: 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00pm
3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:00am

Stamford Library - Main Branch

Baby Time

Location: Main Library Third Floor Auditorium

Mondays, September 20 & 27 at 10:15 a.m.

For pre-walking babies with an adult. Give your baby a great start at this program featuring traditional verses, bouncing rhymes, board books and more.

Old Greenwich Library
Event Type: Children's Program

Date: 9/16/2010 (Thursday)
Start Time: 9:45 AM
End Time: 10:30 AM

Description: Pre-registered program for infants up to 12 months and a caregiver. Babies enjoy nursery rhymes, simple stories, songs, finger plays and movements.Take home a folder filled with the words and songs so the fun can continue at home. For information call Alice Bonvenuto at 203-622-7919 or the Children's Room at 203-622-7940.

Stamford Hospital Mommy and me group
(4-12 months)
Every Wednesday at 11am

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some puppy love

Here's a video of my daughter gettin' a little love from Toby:

Crap that I bought and never used

When you register you feel the need to register for things that you have no idea what you're supposed to do with it, but it's on some random list or you see other mom's with one so you think it's a necessity. Here are some things that I received and never used. 

- The Head Support for the car seat: I never used this for a few reasons. First is, when you leave the hospital they will not let you have anything (except a rolled towel if the baby's head is floppy) in the carseat because it is not crash approved. Maybe it's because E was a big baby, but I never need to have this. Could have saved $30! 

- Bassinet: I ended up co-sleeping. I guess you never know what you're going to do but the bassinet just didn't work for me (or her). If you can, definitely try to borrow one if you can. There goes $300.... 

- Ottoman: I felt so pressured to buy an ottoman with my rocker. I ended up having it with the chair for awhile, and then realized I'd be sitting there with the baby, she'd fall asleep and then I couldn't get out smoothly because I'd have to straddle the ottoman to get out. She would always wake up. So now the ottoman is a lovely shelf for baby book. Great. Actually, if I could do that purchase over, I'd get a recliner with a footrest that goes back into the chair (like a Lazy Boy). They have really cute ones. Bethanny (from the NY Housewives) actually just test drove one on her new show "Bethanny Get's Married?" Buh-Bye a lot of money (I think it was like $700) gulp...

Is there anything you're not sure whether or not you should get? Comment below... Something I missed? Let me know what you think! 


Thursday, July 15, 2010

All Joy and No Fun

Thought I'd share this article. I thought it was interesting.... what do you think?

All Joy and No Fun

and the response:

I took a few things from these articles. I really feel strongly that our society is very un-family friendly. Becoming a parent in the US in this day in age is extremely hard (when compared to other cultures or other generations). Everything from both parents being expected to work outside the home, to children not living close to their parents to help with childcare - to something as simple as restaurants and stores not being family friendly. As a parent, I always found it surprising that (very few) stores don't give priority parking to parents and you can forget about finding a changing table in about 75% of restaurants.

It feels like our society is saying, "Kids not welcome" aka "Don't bring that brat in here"... but if our culture were more helpful and accommodating to families and parents wouldn't be be better for everyone? Parents would be happier, kids would be happier - because to me - it just feels like sometimes the way things currently are, parents have all the cards stacked against them from the get go.... and it just doesn't make sense to me.

What do you think?

Ways to meet other moms/ babies!

When you're home with a baby it can be tough to meet people that know what you're going through. Plus, it - quite frankly is such a pain to get out with a baby between feedings, naps, and fussing. But, getting out of the house is healthy and good for both of you. Here are some great places I found good support groups and met some really nice people:

Hospital New Mom's Group: Check to see if your hospital offers an outpatient group. This is a great place to meet tons of new mom's and babies around the same age as yours.

Le Leche League: This is a great support group for breastfeeding help. It's nice to hear advice from other mom's who are going through the same trials and tribulations when it comes to nursing. Plus if you join LLL ($40) you will get all the help and free advice from the group leader. Priceless.

Your local Library: Check out your local library's website. A lot of times they will have classes for baby including songs and story time. Even if they don't offer classes you can still borrow book (for free!) and it was news to me that they now carry DVDs. Perfect! I can just borrow a DVD without having to play it 900 times and end up throwing myself out the window. You can search for and join groups in your area with common interests. Check out the new mom groups! Disclaimer - I am a member, however, have not actually attended any events.

Gym: When you're ready to get back at it at the gym look for one with a daycare. A lot of them offer free childcare, or it for a really reasonable hourly rate. Hello! Some alone time! Sometimes gyms actually offer classes that incorporate babies - such as Stroller Strides.

The Y or JCC: Check out their calendar. They usually have great programs and groups for new moms. They also offer nice swim lessons usually starting around 6 months.

Now get out there and meet some new mommy friends :) Watch out for the crazy ones... some of them bite (the babies, I mean).